Monday, April 04, 2005

Spring cleaning

I spring cleaned my wardrobe over the weekend. Boy did I have a lot to throw out! Just my clothes only... 2 giant garbage bags full! Itu pun, about 6 months ago I had already thrown out a lot. I gave them all to my maid. She was so happy. She had just come back from Indonesia. She came back with nothing but the clothes on her back and her purse. She's a weekend maid and does not live with me. So she smiled from ear to ear as she dragged the bags home.

Back to my clothes. I can't believe I actually kept so much clothes and not wear them. I still have clothes that I bought when I was in Uni and still wear them today! Semua elok elok lagi... sayang nak buang... how to let go. So in the end I forced myself to give them away. One of them was my favourite Kookai top that I bought in UK! A lot of them were old baju kurung, ada yang dah koyak sikit ada yang jarang pakai. After sorting it all out, I still have lots that I sayang nak let go! Aiyooooo.. I need to get rid of them so that I have room for new clothes.

This is why I am so fussy when I buy clothes. I have to make sure that the style is able to last, cos my clothes just .... last! Its not necessary a good thing, cos I want new clothes but sayang pulak nak let go of the old ones. How how??

I nak buat second round lah.... I need to get rid of some more.

Girls, how do you manage your wardrobe? How do you get rid of your old ones to make room for new ones? How big is your cupboard??? No matter how hard I try, there seem to be NEVER enough space. I shan't ( ooh lama tak pakai word ni... ni zaman Enid Blyton punye word) get started on my handbags!! Thankfully I am not a big fan of shoes. Just one for each ocassion. So thats less of a headache.

My stock baju lama is bigger than my stock baju baru. How?? I managed to segregate my frequently worn clothing.. as in the ones I selalu pakai pi kerja... alahai... patheticnye.. and then I realise my tops that I usually wear on weekends... BANYAK sial! Dah lah jarang pakai.... yang pakai zaman uni pun ada lagi. To me, I saggup spend more on workclothes. I think its more worth it. On weekends, I feel more comfortable in my worn out tops and capris or jeans. And it has to be baju murah... factory outlet ke. I feel more comfortable in those.

My new wardrobe at my new house has just been installed. I have to make sure that I have enough space for my existing clothes... and new clothes.

Round two spring cleaning: Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

A girl cleaning out her wardrobe has to be particularly vicious. She must be cold hearted and clinical when deciding "Will I wear this again?". If you pause, then bin it :) Well that's my policy anyway. Good luck with the second round.

Lin said...

Haha vicious is right! I also have to be in a "throw things away" mood. Everything that is in the way will be thrown out.

Thanks for the good luck. Definitely need it!

Lepas nih boleh shopping spreeeeeeeeee

SteLLaR said...

Throw away my ol' clothes?something I would do once every 5 years. I just love all my clothes whether it's torn, faded or shrunk. Just can't get rid of 'em. Just can't.

Anonymous said...

The last time I cleaned my wardrobe was after my graduation.Bcos tak nak pay shipping charges mahal, I gave boxes and boxes of clothes to a charity shop, Barnardo's, I think.

Btw, how did u manage to find a weekend maid?Would love to have one too as I can't stand having a live-in despite being an expecting mum. Would appreciate it very much if you could let me know, thanks!

Anonymous said...

i read somewhere which said that everytime you bought a new outfit, one outfit from your wardrobe has to go.
which makes sense really because then you know you buy only when you need new clothes rather than buy because you just gotta have it.
but sadly, we women are a lot more complicated than that.

Dade Ghost said...

Something interesting... u still can wear your old clothes?? The one from your uni days? I sure envy you! My waist use to be 28... now, ermmm malu nak bagitau!

Lin said...

Farah: My weekend maid is hmmm.... not legal. But she is great. Am thinking of legalising her. I'm not sure where you can get one legally in KL, but I know that in PJ there are lots of weekend maid agencies. Do e-mail me if you wanna know further

Anonymous: Yep complicated and expensive!

Dade: Of course! My uni days were not too far away you know :P Am still young whaaaaat hehe