Thursday, July 31, 2008

Touch My Body!

Inspired by Mariah’s new trim and toned body, I decided to hit the gym again.

I’ve always loved toned and slightly muscular upper body i.e shoulders, chest and arms. To achieve this, body pump is my choice of workout.

I’ve been a member at Fitness First for the last 3 years. My fav class is rpm and body pump, which I attend quite regularly…. until I transfer to my New Place. I used to go for these classes over lunch, where it is not crowded and I don’t have to fight or elbow my way for equipment. But at My New place, I can’t go down early for lunch to catch my classes. Hence, I’ve neglected my workouts and needless to say, I’ve put on a few kgs.

Now, with much realization of what a potato I look like now, m hitting the grindstone again. Starting up again is not easy. Building the motivation and stamina to continuously burn is difficult. But, knowing that the end result is worth it, I plow on.

At My New place, I have to go for the evening classes. RPM and body pump unfortunately starts at 6.30pm, which is high peak hour. So I have to do the kiasu thing, arrive relatively early, stand right infront of the door, and wait for the ongoing class to leave. Then I will zoom into the room, grab my equipment, at the same time elbowing people out of the way and set up for my body pump class. By this time, my stress level is already hitting the ceiling. Back at the time when I could attend my lunch classes, there would only be like 5 people in the class with no need for madness and stress. So there you go, you either beat them, or join them. I only have strength for the latter.

So I plan to at least go for body pump twice a week. Am trying to get back some amount of tone in my upper body, cos I love wearing tube tops and dresses. Of course not leaving out my lower body, with plenty of abs work and squats.

Wish me luck.

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