Thursday, July 03, 2008


Zurich, originally uploaded by Selinz.

I took this shot when I was in Zurich, exploring the city one evening. It was slightly rainy and I thought it would have made a perfect mood shot.

There are cross roads in our lives. Some taken by ourselves, some determined by others. I try at best to make the best decisions for better things. Some are just out of my hands.

I do wonder what what my life would be like if Allah had chosen better paths for me. Would it be better?

Today I ache in agony the path I walk in. Would it get better, will things make a turn for the better. I yearn for peace in my heart and my mind. I believe that things happen for a reason. I hope I see the lessons that I was meant to learn is clear to me.

I hope for the agony to stop
I hope the sadness goes away
I hope things gets better
I wish to breathe more easily and smile everyday


Isam d'Allee said...

I pray and hope that you will soon find and walk in the path that will bring you peace in your heart, mind and soul (whatever it may be).

I reached a crossroad recently with a road sign pointing to the path I had been yearning for (not necessarily the same as yours). However, I am still standing at the crossroad unable to make the first step.


citykoos said...

hang in there bebs..

Lin said...

thanks Isam and citykoos for the encouragement. Hope things gets better.